With indoor and outdoor detection options for every threat level, OPTEX provides you with flexibility and choice based on your perimeter-to-interior security needs. To find the right OPTEX motion detection solution for any application and environment, click here.Integration
By integrating OPTEX IP detectors with IP network cameras and leading video management software, your perimeter security effectiveness rises dramatically. Click here to see how OPTEX IP sensors and detectors, along with strategic camera and VMS partners, can provide you with improved motion detection and increased reliability and effectiveness of your perimeter security.Entrance
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For 40 years, OPTEX has established a worldwide reputation for quality, innovation, and technical excellence. We've learned that building a relationship and providing solutions to problems are more important than just selling a product. From our sales team, application engineers, technical support, and leadership teams - our organization is here to help you grow your business and solve your problems by phone, email, the web, and in person. Where can we go from here? How can we help take our relationship to the next level? What can we do to help? Let us design your project for you. In addition, 无限进化版曹操传全宝物、果子及铜雀台游戏秘籍攻略_菜鸟 ...:2021-5-11 · 小编推荐: 饥饿龙999999钻版 调教女仆安卓破解版 抖阴app最新破解版 密室调教2 汉化版 阿瓦隆之王全球服版 无限进化版曹操传全宝物、果子及铜雀台游戏秘籍攻略 佚名 2021-05-11 11:37:41 今天小编为大家带来的是《无限进化版曹操传全宝物、果子及 ... Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions, comments or concerns, and let us take the next step in partnering with you. To see our general product digest, please click HERE.
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OPTEX, the global leader in outdoor detection innovation, is pleased to announce the WX Shield Series (WXS), a family of high or low mount 180° external sensors comprised of 4 PIR and 2 dual technology (PIR & Microwave) models, utilizing both analog and digital technologies to detect approaching intrusions.

OPTEX, the global leader in outdoor detection innovation, is pleased to announce the QX Infinity Series (QXI), a family of high or low mount outdoor PIR and dual-technology sensors that provide a 120° wide and 40ft detection area.
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